翻完之後看了一下時間,再6個小時之後就是 twenty one pilots
今年ERS(Emotional roadshow)巡迴演出的倒數第二場了 ;-;
在紐約的Madison Square Garden(麥迪遜廣場花園, 簡稱MSG)
這首 Migraine 是收錄在專輯 Vessel 的第三首 ~
Migraine 是偏頭痛的意思
"A kind of sick or nervous headache, usually periodical and confined to one side of the head"
讓我們一起跟著 Tyler 進入音樂,把所有負面情緒都沖散吧!
twenty one pilots: Migraine (Audio)
▼ 泰勒用玩具鋼琴伴奏的版本XD 不知道該怎麼說不過很厲害 ▼
Twenty One Pilots - Migraine (Toy Piano Edition)
twenty one pilots - Migraine 中文歌詞翻譯
Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat
Shadows will scream that I'm alone
影子吶喊著 我好孤單--
[Verse 1]
I-I-I I've got a migraine
我 我 我 我有偏頭痛
And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways
Thank God it's Friday cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
感謝老天今天星期五 因為星期五永遠比星期日好多了
Cause Sundays are my suicide days (*1)
I don't know why they always seem so dismal
Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle
Whether it's the weather or the letters by my bed (*2)
Sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head
Let it be said what the headache represents
It's me defending in suspense
It's me suspended in a defenseless test
Being tested by a ruthless examinant
赤裸裸被殘酷的判官拷打著 無法還手
That's represented best by my depressing thoughts (*3)
這些畫面清晰的上演在我絕... 絕望的世界
I do not have writer's block my writer just hates the clock (*4)
我不是沒有靈感 只是討厭自己思考的速度
It will not let me sleep I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead
頭痛讓我無法入眠 大概要死掉才能安眠
And sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head
Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat
Shadows will scream that I'm alone
影子吶喊著 我好孤單
But I know, we've made it this far... kid (*5)
但其實我知道 大家都是一路熬過來的啊... 孩子
Yeah yeah yeah
[Verse 2]
I am not as fine as I seem.
Pardon, me for yelling and telling you green gardens (*6)
很抱歉 我激動的說出其實那座美好的 花園
Are not what's growing in my psyche, it's a different me
壓根不會在我的心中盛開 我不是那個我
A difficult beast feasting on burnt down trees (*7)
我是難以對付的怪物 啖食心中森林的灰燼
Freeze frame, please let me paint a mental picture portrait
畫面停格 請讓我描繪一張心中的自畫像
Something you won't forget, it's all about my forehead
你會難以忘懷的 它深藏在我頭腦裡
And how it is a door that holds back contents
That makes Pandora's box contents look non-violent
就像潘朵拉的盒子如此美麗 沾染不上恐懼
Behind my eyelids are islands of violence
My mind ship-wrecked this is the only land my mind could find
當我的心將要沉入黑暗 我卻只能爬上這些島嶼
I did not know it was such a violent island
Full of tidal waves, suicidal crazed lions (*8)
到處都是大浪 以及致命的瘋狂獅子
They're trying to eat me, blood running down their chin
他們想要吃掉我 用他們的血盆大口
And I know that I can fight, or I can let the lion win
我知道我可以戰鬥 又或者被他們掌控
I begin to assemble what weapons I can find
Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind
Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat
Shadows will scream that I'm alone
影子吶喊著 我好孤單
But I know, we've made it this far... kid (*5)
但其實我知道 大家都是一路熬過來的啊... 孩子
[Verse 3]
And I will say that we should take a day to break away
其實我想說 我們應該掙脫世界好好休息一整天
From all the pain our brain has made, the game is not played alone
掙脫腦袋裡絕望的世界 這些痛不會只有自己懂
And I will say that we should take a moment and hold it
其實我想說 我們應該緊緊抓住美好時光不放手
And keep it frozen and know that life has a hopeful undertone
讓時間停在此刻 頓悟生命擁有的希望和道理
Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat
Shadows will scream that I'm alone
影子吶喊著 我好孤單
But I know, we've made it this far... kid (*5)
但其實我知道 大家都是一路熬過來的啊... 孩子
Made it this far
Made it this f…
*1:禮拜日在宗教意義上(Tyler在基督教環境下成長)是 Lord's day,即主日、安息日的意思,也是基督徒要到教堂禮拜的日子。Tyler 為什麼在這裡描述禮拜日是討厭的日子還有待商榷,或許可以理解成他覺得自己背負著某些罪而感到內疚。(不自覺想到Take me to church XD)
另外擺脫宗教意涵的話禮拜日也確實是令人討厭的日子,因為假期結束了,要準備面對討厭的上司跟做不完的工作以及各種壓力等等,跟禮拜日相比禮拜五則是快樂的迎接假期日,如同歌詞中使用到的流行語TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)。
*2: the letters by my bed 在 GENIUS 分歧出兩種解釋,一為具有自殘意涵的文字、二為聖經。為求翻譯不要太突兀所以直接用模糊的「床邊故事」來代替,順便跟壞天氣做對比來表示Tyler當時心理狀態的脆弱 (?)。
*3:這裡仔細聽會聽到,deprss….sing thoughts 中間的空檔有一聲不確定是dude!或是kill!的微弱音。
*4:writer's block n. 作家遇到瓶頸寫不出東西的狀態
*5:這個 kid 可以是對支持他走下去的人所說、可以是對正在聽歌的聽眾說、可以是對著他願意為其奮鬥的人所說、也可以是對他自己說。
*7:Trees 為 twenty one pilots 的其中一首歌(Blurryface巡迴演唱會跟ERS的結尾曲)。(之後也會翻譯的雖然歌詞很短XD)
*8:lion 這個詞在聖經中曾被比喻。以下引文:「Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.」(務要謹守,警醒。因為你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同吼叫的獅子,遍地遊行,尋找可吞吃的人。)
真的很喜歡 top 的音樂
翻譯過程中一直會有某些感觸 難以言喻XD"
歡迎你也成為Skeleton Clique的一員 <3
附上一張Holding on to you的幕後花絮裡Tyler差點哭出來的畫面結束這回合兒
Vessel (2013) 船 - 其他曲目翻譯
1. Ode to Sleep 安眠曲
2. Holding on to You 信念
3. Migraine 偏頭痛
4. House of Gold 黃金小屋
5. Car Radio 汽車音響
6. Semi-Automatic 一半
7. Screen 螢幕
8. The Run and Go 逃亡中
9. Fake You Out 騙走你
10. Guns for Hands 以手為槍
11. Trees 樹林裡
12. Truce 和平約定
★ If you like my translation, plz give me a thumbs up and let me know. It helps a lot! x
★創立了粉絲團!如果希望追蹤我的翻譯跟新歌推薦歡歡歡迎按個讚 :D