"The industry told me to look like them / But I find happiness in fried food for my dinner."
作為新專輯 Divide 的開場曲,艾德用他獨有的吉他配饒舌唱出他音樂生涯的體會
不過這張專輯比較沒有以前那種內斂的感覺了,這首饒舌也不是以前的 rap singing
singing 的成分變少了;歌詞其實也變得比較 aggressive (?)
這首歌是和 Johnny McDaid(Snow Patrol 的鍵盤兼吉他手)一起合寫的
在寫這首歌的同一天晚上他們也完成了"Hearts Don't Break Around Here"
為慶祝 SBTV 七年前上傳他的 "You Need Me, I Don't Need You"
而現場演出的特別加長版 (Extended F64 Version)(放在文章開頭)也唱道
"I wish my private life would've never gone public"
"I wish I'd never broken her heart"
Eraser 這歌名在艾德游泳的時候,突然就靈光乍現!
"I don’t know why but it just popped into my head and I was like ‘ah, that’s a cool title for a song."
XD 我很懂那種腦中突然浮現一個名字或是一個詞彙,就很想把它當成一個作品名稱
而 Eraser,圖片很直白的畫了個橡皮擦;歌詞裡說 "I'll find comfort in my pain eraser"
eraser 就是拿來 erase 的東西、erase 掉不好的東西
這也跟副歌裡另一句歌詞 "take the sting away" 「把痛刺拔掉」的意思一樣
同時這張專輯在一年的沉澱後誕生,Welcome to the new show,這是不一樣的、更多元的艾德
不過 pain eraser 更被大家解讀指涉一種叫做 "Brain Eraser/ Mind Eraser" 的調酒
例如 "U.N.I" 和另一半分手後把自己灌醉、在 "Drunk" 裡用酒精把悲傷暫時瓦解
除此之外他也曾在台上酒醉、在 Brit Awards 酒醉 XD
所以 "I'll find comfort in my pain eraser" 也不知道是不是在說以酒澆愁了
在 pain 跟 eraser 中間刻意停頓,讓這個詞有很多解釋的空間
節奏上的停頓讓 eraser 這個字獨立出來,彷彿是說會在傷痛裡自己調適自己、並把不好的通通抹去
不過歌詞本裡就是寫成一句,pain eraser(我特地去找一堆開箱文去對照歌詞本裡的歌詞XDD)
Ed Sheeran - Eraser [Official Audio]
Ed Sheeran - Eraser on Spotify
Ed Sheeran 紅髮艾德
Eraser 再見
[Verse 1]
I was born inside a small town, I lost that state of mind
我本生在一座純樸小鎮 卻沒了當時的簡單
Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine
曾在教堂裡學唱詩歌 但我九歲就離開
I forget when I get awards now, the wave I had to ride
忘了從何時起我受人讚揚 這股浪向我襲來
The paving stones I played upon, they kept me on the grind
是我彈唱的那條鋪石路 給我磨練和苦難
So blame it on the pain that blessed me with the life
就怪罪一切折磨 賦予我此刻美滿
Friends and family filled with envy, when they should be filled with pride
朋友和家人總是酸言酸語 他們應該為我高興才對
And when the world's against me, is when I really come alive
而當世界開始挑戰我 才是我活著的精彩
And every day that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride
而每一天惡魔誘惑我 我努力不讓陣腳亂
You know that I've got whisky with white lies, and smoke in my lungs
你懂我成了喝威士忌說場面話 吞雲吐霧的人
I think life has got to the point, I know without it's no fun
我想著人生走到這一步 沒了這些反而無趣
I need to get in the right mind and clear myself up
我應該要重新整理思緒 搞懂自己想法
Instead I look in the mirror, questioning what I've become
但我卻直盯著鏡子 懷疑我現在的模樣
Guess it's a stereotypical day, for someone like me
或許對我這種人來說 這樣的生活稀鬆平常
Without a nine to five job or a uni degree
沒有朝九晚五的工作 也沒有大學學歷
To be caught up in the trappings of the industry
只被 困在音樂產業虛華的包裝裡
Show me the locked doors I'll find another use for the key
給我吃了閉門羹 我就找出這鑰匙存在的道理
And you'll see
I'm well aware of certain things that can destroy a man like me
我心裡很清楚總有些事情 能夠摧毀一個人如我
But with that said give me one more
但即便如此 儘管再來一次吧
I am
Another one to take the sting away
I am happy on my own so here I'll stay
我一個人也很好 所以我不會走的
Save your loving arms for a rainy day
And I'll find comfort in my pain
[Verse 2]
I used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs
我曾覺得任何事情都比不過 用我的歌唱遍世界角落
I chased the picture perfect life, I think they painted it wrong
我曾追尋一幅理想人生 別人描繪的不適合我
I think that money is the route of all evil, and fame is hell
我想錢是所有不幸的始終 而名氣就是罪惡
Relationships and hearts you fix, they break as well
你重建的每段感情和每顆心 也不堪一擊
And ain't nobody want to see you down in the dumps
Because you're living your dream and this should be fun
因為你正在實踐夢想 而這應該充實快樂
Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm Reverend Run
I beg you don't be disappointed with the man I've become
Conversations with my Father on the A14
噢 有次和我父親聊著天 在 A14 公路上
Age 12, telling me I've gotta chase those dreams
說十二歲的我一定要勇於 追逐那些夢
Now I'm playing for the people dad and they know me
如今我為人們而演奏 爸 他們都知道我
With my beaten small guitar, wearing the same old jeans
帶著我破舊的小吉他 穿著一樣的牛仔褲
Wembley Stadium crowds, two hundred and forty thou'
溫布利體育館熱鬧 二十四萬人潮
I may have grown up but I hope that Damian's proud
我或許長大了不少 但我希望戴米恩也驕傲
And to the next generation, inspiration's allowed
並傳給下一個世代 激發出新的創造
The world may be filled with hate
But keep erasing it now
I'm well aware of certain things that will befall a man like me
我心裡很清楚有某些事情 會降臨於某人身上如我
But with that said give me one more
但就算這樣 也給我儘管來吧
I am
Another one to take the sting away
Oh I am happy on my own so here I'll stay
我一個人也很好 所以我不會走的
Save your loving arms for a rainy day
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
而我會在痛楚中尋得慰藉 再見
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
而我會在心碎裡找到安慰 再見
And I'll find comfort in my pain
Welcome to the new show
I guess you know I've been away
Where I'm heading who knows
目的地在哪裡 誰知道呢
But my heart will stay the same
Welcome to the new show
I guess you know I've been away
Where I'm heading who knows
目的地在哪裡 誰知道呢
My pain eraser
我的傷痛 再見
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
我會尋得慰藉就是傷悲 再見
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
我會找到安慰就是心碎 再見
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
我會尋得慰藉就是傷痕 再見
And I'll find comfort in my pain
[Verse 1]
I was born inside a small town, I lost that state of mind
我本生在一座純樸小鎮 卻沒了當時的簡單
>雖然在 Castle On The Hill 的翻譯裡提到,艾德 "was raised in Suffolk" 在薩福克郡長大的,但艾德是出生在 Halifax, West Yorkshire 英國西約克郡的哈利法克斯城,距曼徹斯特滿近的,並在他幼年時搬到了薩福克。
Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine
曾在教堂裡學唱詩歌 但我九歲就離開
>Lord's house = Church;艾德在他四到九歲的時候有參加天主教堂的唱詩班,雖然不太清楚愛德離開唱詩班的原因,但我想應該就是九歲的時候搬去薩福克了吧?
I forget when I get awards now, the wave I had to ride
忘了從何時起我受人讚揚 這股浪向我襲來
>ride the wave 是一個片語,字面上就是乘著浪的意思,可以理解為乘風破浪、乘著勢頭而行,有借助某件(聲勢高漲的)事情而從中獲益的意思;在這裡可以理解成名聲如浪襲來,同時艾德也得學著如何適應來自世界上各式各樣的目光。
>值得注意這裡用的 forget 是現在式,來個小小的文法探討——
過去式 "I forgot his name"
- means that at some time past, I no longer remembered his name, but leaves open whether I can currently remember it.(代表以前不記得,但此刻記不記得則無法從該單一句判斷)
現在式 "I forget his name"
I forgot his name and I still can't remember it (but I hope you know who I'm talking about even so). (之前就想不起來,直到現在還是想不起來)
I keep on forgetting his name.(或許之前講過但我一直忘記)
——資料來自 English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
The paving stones I played upon, they kept me on the grind
是我彈唱的那條鋪石路 給我磨練和苦難
>grind 是研磨、磨碎的意思,作名詞除了指磨碎的動作也能形容乏味又重複的事情。on the grind 似乎不是個太正式的片語,於 Urban Dictionary 有努力工作、有毅力地做某件事的意思。
>在艾德年輕時,他會在不同的地方 "busk"(在街頭進行表演);艾德在十三四歲左右(2005年)開始錄製自己的音樂、在十七歲(2008年)搬去倫敦,自此過了兩年打拼的音樂生活(2008-2010)。
So blame it on the pain that blessed me with the life
就怪罪一切折磨 賦予我此刻美滿
Ed Sheeran: "2009 I'd been doing it [playing gigs in London] for about four years. I lost my place to live and just started staying at friends' that I met along the way and it was a very fun time I had a lot of fun."
>在 2008-2010 於倫敦為音樂奔波的期間,艾德睡過 Buckingham Palace 白金漢宮外面、睡過地下鐵,不過大部分都睡在各式各樣的朋友家裡,穿插著各式各樣的駐唱或表演機會;他說他當時會在表演的時候問觀眾,"If anyone has got a couch tonight?",而且通常都有用,但也有真的連沙發都沒得睡、身上沒半毛錢、手機也沒電的時候,這時候才會心慌地發現自己的窘境,不過總而言之他過了一個很不一樣的十八歲,而且如今回想起仍值得懷念;無論如何都是造就他今日成就的養分和經驗。
Friends and family filled with envy, when they should be filled with pride
朋友和家人總是酸言酸語 他們應該為我高興才對
>艾德在和 Zane Lowe 的專訪裡有特別解釋這句歌詞;這裡的 envy 並不是說很明顯表現出來的嫉妒,而是某些時候的行為讓他感到有疙瘩;例如他和朋友一起吃飯,而艾德不是特別熱心想請客或是想各付各的時候,總有一位朋友會跳出來說「你不是很有錢嗎?」,讓人很無奈也很無言,似乎變得有錢之後就總是該那樣做才對;同時艾德也說這句話偶爾會 "sinks your soul",彷彿感嘆著因為錢,大家對自己的態度都變得不一樣了,多少呼應了第二段主歌裡的 "I think that money is the route of all evil, and fame is hell / Relationships and hearts you fix, they break as well"。
Ed: Yeah, I mean the line is friends and family filled with envy but it's not outward envy it's just the odd line here and there. Just being like 'well that must be nice'. Or you'll be somewhere and you'll purposefully want to split a bill just to make a point like you could get it but you're just like today's not the day, we're gonna split the bill and someone will make a comment like 'but you're rich' and you're like ah. That's where that line is coming from. Friends and family are meant to be the ones that are f****n there for you and ninety percent of the time they are but every now and then there's the odd comment that just sinks your soul.
And when the world's against me, is when I really come alive
而當世界開始挑戰我 才是我活著的精彩
And every day that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride
而每一天惡魔誘惑我 我努力不讓陣腳亂
>take sth in your stride: to deal with a problem or difficulty calmly and not to allow it to influence what you are doing;即「以平常心面對」的意思。stride 是走路的步幅、跨步的意思,片語字面上是「把事情帶進你的步伐裡」,本意為走在艱辛的路上也要 "keep a steady pace" 保持穩定的步伐,衍伸為遇到挫折或是其他事情也不要因此動搖、改變心志。
You know that I've got whisky with white lies, and smoke in my lungs
你懂我成了喝威士忌說場面話 吞雲吐霧的人
I think life has got to the point, I know without it's no fun
我想著人生走到這一步 沒了這些反而無趣
>有點不確定的把這兩句解讀為「成名之後帶來的改變」,white lies 是善意的謊言;若這樣解讀則可以和前面所說的、他在2008-10年過著不穩定卻充實的生活、形成對照組,如今賺了錢,生活的樂趣也和以往大不相同,如果要回到當初沒有什麼錢、到處住別人家的那幾年辛苦日子,其實也不太情願罷;但那的確是一段值得回憶的心路歷程。
I need to get in the right mind and clear myself up
我應該要重新整理思緒 搞懂自己想法
Instead I look in the mirror, questioning what I've become
但我卻直盯著鏡子 懷疑我現在的模樣
Guess it's a stereotypical day, for someone like me
或許對我這種人來說 這樣的生活稀鬆平常
Without a nine to five job or a uni degree
沒有朝九晚五的工作 也沒有大學學歷
>音樂人的 stereotypical day,沒有工作、時間相對得多,做音樂、卻難免因為市場或唱片公司等因素不能如想像中自由,賺了錢、生活衣食無缺,但某些獨處的時間可能還是會思考現在的自己到底對不對。
To be caught up in the trappings of the industry
只被 困在音樂產業虛華的包裝裡
>唱片公司通常為了利益都會迎合主流的一些想法,例如 Galway Girl 其實是當時唱片公司不太情願收錄的歌曲(但現在大家都愛它XD)。
>trappings 有外部裝飾、馬飾、代表某事物的標誌、一切特徵等等的意思;通常會指比較外在而表象的東西。下附例句幫助理解~
- He have the trappings of high office but no real power.
- The pitfall is the trappings of success can catch you off guard.
- He had all the trappings of a cowboy, but he couldn't even ride a horse.
他外表及其穿著很像一個牛仔, 但卻連騎馬都不會.
Show me the locked doors I'll find another use for the key
給我吃了閉門羹 我就找出這鑰匙存在的道理
>接續上句 trappings of the industry,艾德想要踏入音樂產業的這條路遇上的阻礙還不少,例如他不出色的外表;他曾在 SB.TV 的採訪中說道,"The fact that I was slightly chubby and ginger wasn't a good 'marketing tool' for them.",一個薑黃髮色又有點圓潤的人對唱片公司來說不是一個好的宣傳工具。然而就算他碰上了 locked doors,他也能走和別人不一樣的路,他用音樂才華和真摯的詞曲打開了另外一扇與眾不同的門,同時他也是第一個只帶上一把吉他、幾個合成器就能在萬人面前表演的出色音樂人。
And you'll see
I'm well aware of certain things that can destroy a man like me
我心裡很清楚總有些事情 能夠摧毀一個人如我
But with that said give me one more
但即便如此 儘管再來一次吧
>其實不太確定艾德說的是什麼樣的事情,或許跟前面的歌詞 "And when the world's against me, is when I really come alive / And every day that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride" 有關,然而艾德的歌曲有時常雜揉許多想法,無論愛情、親情或是自省,尤其是有rap的歌曲;不管確切的是指什麼,這首歌做為 "Divide" 的開場、做為整首歌最自傳式的一首歌,這可以是他一路創作音樂以來的心得。
I am
Another one to take the sting away
I am happy on my own so here I'll stay
我一個人也很好 所以我不會走的
Save your loving arms for a rainy day
>"Thinking Out Loud" 裡頭也有 "loving arms" ——
"So honey, now, take me into your loving arms / Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars"
And I'll find comfort in my pain
>因為翻譯的關係把原句的 eraser 往下拆分了,原句是"And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser";唱的時候節奏刻意把 pain 跟 eraser 分開了,而許多人猜測這裡的 eraser 是指涉 "Brain Eraser/ Mind Eraser"(字面意義:理性再見 / 抹去理性):一種以三種主要成分等比例調和的 cocktail(雞尾酒,即調酒)。製作方式為將伏特加、咖啡利口酒等比例倒在杯裡冰塊上,然後再加入 club soda 或 tonic water 等氣泡飲料,最後插入吸管從底部開始喝;因為密度的關係,Brain Eraser 呈現漸層的顏色,而用吸管從底部依序品嘗三種風味的融合衝擊,就是該調酒之所以稱做 Brain Eraser 的原因。
>然而大家都知道艾德是個熱愛披薩跟酒的人,所以大家才猜說這首歌的 eraser 和調酒有關;在一年的間歇休息期間裡,他因為啤酒胖了兩倍,不知道是不是沒巡迴所以都沒什麼熱量消耗,胖到能穿得下的褲子只有棉褲而已,最後靠女友幫他制定瘦身計畫才順利瘦成我們現在看到的他XD!
採訪原文參考(Interview with The Breakfast Club):
"I doubled in size. Sweatpants were the only things that fit and I thought everything had shrunk in the wash, but it hadn't."
"It was the beer. Well, I'm back on beer now, because I'm fine, but I cut out beer for a bit and started exercising which was quite weird. I didn't realize how much I burned on stage. I stopped touring and I just ballooned instantly.
[Verse 2]
I used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs
我曾覺得任何事情都比不過 用我的歌唱遍世界角落
I chased the picture perfect life, I think they painted it wrong
我曾追尋一幅理想人生 別人描繪的不適合我
I think that money is the route of all evil, and fame is hell
我想錢是所有不幸的始終 而名氣就是罪惡
Relationships and hearts you fix, they break as well
你重建的每段感情和每顆心 也不堪一擊
"Ed: Money is the weirdest thing. Cause it's the one thing that like my life before it was exactly the same. Except I'd always have to think before I did something. I'd be like can I do that. And that's kind of the only thing that's changed in my life drastically. But the way people treat you because of it and they think that you're going to change because of it so then they treat you differently and inevitably you change your opinion to them because they're treating you differently, it's a really weird thing. And then you really don't know who to trust and you start treating people weirdly that are actually sound. "
And ain't nobody want to see you down in the dumps
Because you're living your dream and this should be fun
因為你正在實踐夢想 而這應該充實快樂
Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm Reverend Run
>Reverend Run 即 Joseph Ward Simmons (1964-),藝名為 Run、Rev. Run、或 DJ Run。
I beg you don't be disappointed with the man I've become
Conversations with my Father on the A14
噢 有次和我父親聊著天 在 A14 公路上
>A14 連接著艾德的第二故鄉 Suffolk 薩福克郡和倫敦。
Age 12, telling me I've gotta chase those dreams
說十二歲的我一定要勇於 追逐那些夢
Now I'm playing for the people dad and they know me
如今我為人們而演奏 爸 他們都知道我
With my beaten small guitar, wearing the same old jeans
帶著我破舊的小吉他 穿著一樣的牛仔褲
Wembley Stadium crowds, two hundred and forty thou'
溫布利體育館熱鬧 二十四萬人潮
>2015年仲夏,第二次專輯世界巡演"X Tour",於倫敦的溫布利體育館,艾德用始終如一的吉他彈唱,完成了三場 sold-out 表演,體育館共九萬人座位、三場表演全部售罄,總和二十七萬人潮(我也不知道為什麼艾德算八萬人座位,不過各處資料都顯示溫布利是容納九萬人)。
Ed Sheeran performs on stage at Wembley Stadium (Photo by Christie Goodwin/Redferns via Getty Images)
I may have grown up but I hope that Damian's proud
我或許長大了不少 但我希望戴米恩也驕傲
And to the next generation, inspiration's allowed
並傳給下一個世代 激發出新的創造
>在艾德的 "You need me, I don't need you" 的 Verse 3 中,有段歌詞是
Cause with the lyrics I'll be aiming it right
I won't stop until my name's in lights
With stadium heights, with Damien Rice
是的愛爾蘭歌手 Damien Rice (1973-) 一直都是艾德尊崇的音樂標竿,在和 The Guardian 的訪談撰文中(專輯釋出前)艾德說對新專輯的銷售數字不會如以往那樣在意,倒是希望這張專輯能變成自己心中的、Damien 的"O",能給予自己靈感、自己的專輯也能給下一代的創作者一些靈感。
Photo from mtv review
In fact, he says, he's less interested in how it sells than ÷ being "something like Damien Rice's O, that in my lifetime is one of the most important records for me. I'd love for some kid who in 20 years' time is a huge artist to be like, 'Wow, that album.'" He's proud of its contents, of the work he put in to ensure it's "the biggest fucking pop album it could be". It took him at least three goes to get it right, he says: hundreds of songs written, hundreds discarded or handed over to other artists.
採訪撰文參閱:(Interview with Zane Lowe)
Ed: "He (Damien Rice) is the only person who's never been in touch so that's my line to be like I hope he is. I've now got to the point where, one of my heroes is Eric Clapton, I've now gotten to a point where I can go to his house for dinner or he can come to mine for dinner and he's genuinely like well done mate and like Damien Rice is the one person who I've been longing to have an email. I just want a well done mate or something. I don't want a friendship I just want a 'hey I know we met when we were eleven I'm proud of you. That's all I want."
Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter - Official Video
The world may be filled with hate
But keep erasing it now
Welcome to the new show
I guess you know I've been away
>這裡可以解讀成 X Tour 之後休息的那一年,如今回歸、"Welcome to the new show"。
>我個人覺得 "Welcome to the new show" 這句歌詞很符合專輯的名稱 "Divide",有一種劃分時代的感覺,經過一年的沉寂後重回舞台、帶來新的體悟與新的音樂。
Where I'm heading who knows
目的地在哪裡 誰知道呢
But my heart will stay the same
Welcome to the new show
I guess you know I've been away
Where I'm heading who knows
目的地在哪裡 誰知道呢
My pain eraser
我的所有傷痛 再見
Genius、The Free Dictionary
★ Hi I'm Achi. 我是阿崎,想用平易的書寫分享西洋音樂的好,讓更多人看到創作背後的意義。
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Ed Sheeran | Eraser (Live) [Extended F64 Version]: #SBTV10
(後面幾乎就是多唱了一首名為"One Wish"的 rap song 了@@;下附原文歌詞)
Ed Sheeran - Eraser (Extended F64 Version) lyrics
[Verse 1]
I was born inside a small town, I lost that state of mind
Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine
I forget when I get awards now, the wave I had to ride
The paving stones I played upon, they kept me on the grind
So blame it on the pain that blessed me with the life
Friends and family filled with envy, when they should be filled with pride
And when the world's against me, is when I really come alive
And every day that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride
You know that I've got whisky with white lies, and smoke in my lungs
I think life has got to the point, I know without it's no fun
I need to get in the right mind and clear myself up
Instead I look in the mirror, questioning what I've become
Guess it's a stereotypical day, for someone like me
Without a nine to five job or a uni degree
To be caught up in the trappings of the industry
Show me the locked doors I'll find another use for the key
And you'll see
[Chorus 1]
I'm well aware of certain things that will destroy a man like me
But with that said give me one more, I am
Another one to take the sting away
I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay
Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day
And I'll find comfort in my pain
[Verse 2]
I used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs
I chased the picture perfect life, I think they painted it wrong
I think that money is the route of all evil, and fame is hell
Relationships and hearts you fix, they break as well
And ain't nobody want to see you down in the dumps
Because you're living your dream and this should be fun
Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm Reverend Run
I beg you don't be disappointed with the man I've become
Conversations with my Father on the A14
Age 12, telling me I've gotta chase those dreams
Now I'm playing for the people dad and they know me
With my beaten small guitar, wearing the same old jeans
Wembley Stadium crowds, two hundred and forty thou'
I may have grown up but I hope that Damian's proud
And to the next generation, inspiration's allowed
The world may be filled with hate
But keep erasing it now
[Chorus 2]
I'm well aware of certain things that will befall a man like me
But with that said give me one more, I am
Another one to take the sting away
I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay
Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain
[Verse 3]
I woke up this morning lookin' in the mirror
Thinkin' to myself that I should probably be thinner
The industry told me to look like them
But I found my happiness in fried food for my dinner
I wish that she could have been my first time
And I wish that I'd never took that first line
And I wish that every word in this verse rhymed
But forgive me if it doesn't
I wish that I could make peace with my older cousin
I wish he didn't think that it was me when it wasn't
I wish I didn't love it when I'm high and my face feels buzzin'
And the taste stays underneath my tongue, and
Wish that I had known what to do as a youngling
Wish I hadn't dropped out of school and missed every single party
With that hardly matters now, man, does it?
Wish I had an answer to everything, but fuck it
I wish creatin' art didn't come with a budget
But while we're on the subject
I wish my private life would have never gone public
But that's the sacrifice that we make
Spendin' my whole time high livin' life away
[Chorus 3]
I'm singin' this is how we're livin' down here
Sittin' on the edge, lookin' out without fear
Yeah, we got drama but you know we don't care
I wanna see you sing it, put your hands in the air, one wish
I'm singin' this is how we're livin' down here
Sittin' on the edge, lookin' out without fear
Yeah, we got drama but you know we don't care
I wanna see you sing it, put your hands in the air, one wish
[Verse 4]
I wish my family and friends, they stay healthy
I wish that love was a currency and the whole world was wealthy
I found myself late night wishin' on a star
Everyday I wish I'd never broken a heart, uh
And I wish I'd never run through
Every woman that I loved that kept my life and what it's come to
I wish I was the role model you looked up to
If I told my fans the things I did they'd say, "Fuck you"
I wish I was home more
I wish my team could see their kids on their birthdays, but yo, we're on tour
And I wish I'd grow more, wish I told more
People that I love 'em but it's in the music that I'm known for
And I wish he never got cancer
And if I smoke a pack a day, well, does that make me a wanker?
Oh yes, I guess it does, and we're still stressing 'cause
Every day this shit gets the best of us
Usin' my balance on razor blades
Spendin' my whole time high wishing life would wait
[Chorus 3]
I'm singin' this is how we're livin' down here
Sittin' on the edge, lookin' out without fear
Yeah, we got drama but you know we don't care
I wanna see you sing it, put your hands in the air, one wish
I'm singin' this is how we're livin' down here
Sittin' on the edge, lookin' out without fear
Yeah, we got drama but you know we don't care
I wanna see you sing it, put your hands in the air, one wish
[Verse 5]
I'm using jumpers for goalposts, cigarettes for throat cold
Mum sayin', "Don't smoke," no, I don't listen, I got
Love for a ghost note, shows on the gold coast
People that I don't know share the same vision
I find truth in the hard times and words that aren't mine
Tryin' to find a love with a compatible star sign
Sometimes I can't write, sentences can't rhyme
Starin' at my notepad quick, I'm tryin' to find mine
Shit quick before I hit it again
Surrounded in the industry by all these ignorant men
And who knew that I'd be paid just to pick up a pen
Just let me hit the studio when we can rip it again
I'm a competitive dick with an adrenaline kick
My daddy told me, "Work hard and you can never be shit"
I've seen all my heroes dethroned except my dad
Set back here reminiscing 'bout the times we had
One wish
不知道怎麼找好聽的新歌?除了 UK Chart、Billboard 等排行熱門