(Cover credit: Cape Town Daily Photo)
三月三日,Ed's new album literally makes every fan's day
Ed 很準時的在 3/3 凌晨(台灣時間為中午)釋出了最新專輯"÷"(Divide)
而且除了 Spotify 等各大串流音樂都上架專輯之外,YT 頻道也超佛心一次上傳了所有音檔
(手機整個被 Youtube 通知洗版XDD 最開心那種)
在 track by track 的採訪中,Ed 說這是一首關於他祖母的歌曲
"It was written for my mom’s point of view. My grandmother was very ill during the time I was making the record and passed away at the end of me making the record so we wrote this song as a tribute and just left it on."
"My grandfather just turned to me [at the funeral], he was like you have to put that out, that has to go on the record. It’s such a good memory, that’s why it’s ended up on there."
然後我必須坦承... 我邊看歌詞邊聽這首歌的時候很突然的就崩淚了
我自己也覺得很莫名其妙QQ 但我不禁想起大約兩年前,在過年之前的那段時間
我想如果你也有類似的經歷,聽著聽著想哭、那就哭出來吧~眼淚是一種治癒 ;)
Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up
But I know
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved
Ed Sheeran - Supermarket Flowers [Official Audio]
Supermarket Flowers | Ed Sheeran [Live] - The One Show 2017
Ed Sheeran 艾德‧希倫
Supermarket Flowers 超市裡的鮮花
[Verse 1]
I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill
我拿下了窗台上 那些超市裡買的鮮花
I threw the day old tea from the cup
Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
Memories of a life that's been loved
回憶一點一滴關於 被深愛過的靈魂
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals
收好這些祝福卡片 跟好多動物玩偶
Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
也把久放的薑酒 倒進了水槽中
Dad always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down"
But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up
我已不成人形 心如刀割般疼痛
But I know
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved
一份愛之所以痛 是因為曾經那樣深愛過
So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
你宛若一位天使 住在我母親的心房
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
當我每次受傷 你在身旁扶持我成長
Spread your wings as you go
展開你雙翼 飛向天空
And when God takes you back
當 上帝將你帶回的那一刻
We'll say Hallelujah
You're home
[Verse 2]
Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up
拍了拍枕頭 整理了床鋪 將椅子都疊整齊
Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case
也把你的睡袍折好 乾淨地收進衣櫃
John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek
約翰說他來開車 然後用手心輕拂我的臉
And wiped a tear from the side of my face
溫柔地拭去 我一邊臉頰上的淚水
[Pre-Chorus 2]
I hope that I see the world as you did
'Cause I know
A life with love is a life that's been lived
擁有愛的人生 就是一段精彩的歲月
So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
你彷彿是位天使 住在我母親的心房
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
當我每次受傷 你在身旁扶持我成長
Spread your wings as you go
展開你雙翼 飛向天空
And when God takes you back
當 上帝將你帶回的那一刻
We'll say Hallelujah
You're home
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
你彷彿是位天使 住在我母親的心房
You got to see the person I have become
Spread your wings and I know
當你張開雙翼 我便明瞭
That when God took you back
當 上帝將你帶回的那一刻
He said Hallelujah
You're home
[Verse 1]
I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill
我拿下了窗台上 那些超市裡買的鮮花
I threw the day old tea from the cup
>old 在這裡是指放了很久,或是形容已經存在了很長一段時間。
Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
>Matthew Sheeran 是艾德的長兄,同時他也是一位作曲家。下方圖片是比較年輕一點的艾德一家人,有艾德、艾德的母親 Imogen、艾德他哥 Matthew、與父親 John Sheeran。
Memories of a life that's been loved
回憶一點一滴關於 被深愛過的靈魂
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals
收好這些祝福卡片 跟好多動物玩偶
>get well soon cards 很好理解,就是「祝你早日康復」等等的祝福卡片。stuffed 是「被填滿...的」,stuffed + N 依不同物品會有不同意思,如 stuffed doll, stuffed toys 為填充、絨毛娃娃,stuffed chicken, stuffed pizza 就是有內餡的食物XD
Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
也把久放的薑酒 倒進了水槽中
>ginger beer 是由汽水加薑調配而成的飲品,據說薑味並不會很重,味道是甜的,而且喝完還有薑讓人發熱的效果。延伸閱讀:http://lizostar.pixnet.net/blog/post/27212574 - "Ginger beer - 薑汁啤酒不是酒?!"
Dad always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down"
But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink
>Ed 寫的歌詞一如往常的極富畫面感;supermarket flowers, get well soon cards, and stuffed animals,這些從親朋好友那裏收到的祝福禮物都代表了對祖母的關愛和照顧,有一種溫暖的感覺,而歌詞中 Ed 用他母親的角度描寫她將這些東西都收了起來,甚至桌上還有沒喝完的薑酒跟茶,代表祖母的離去是如此突然,讓他母親心痛不已。
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up
我已不成人形 心如刀割般疼痛
But I know
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved
一份愛之所以痛 是因為曾經那樣深愛過
So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
你宛若一位天使 住在我母親的心房
>在 Shape Of You 的那篇翻譯中提到了 "shape" 的弦外之音,除了是輪廓與外型,也可能是形容了人的整個感覺塑造出來的 shape;這句歌詞可以將艾德祖母的靈魂當作一位天使,到人間來陪伴扶持她的女兒(這首歌的第一人稱)。
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
當我每次受傷 你在身旁扶持我成長
Spread your wings as you go
展開你雙翼 飛向天空
And when God takes you back
當 上帝將你帶回的那一刻
We'll say Hallelujah
You're home
[Verse 2]
Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up
拍了拍枕頭 整理了床鋪 將椅子都疊整齊
>fluff 當動詞為使蓬鬆、起絨。但除此之外也有搞砸的意思,如 fluff the test 搞砸了考試;當名詞可以指輕軟蓬鬆、毛茸茸、成團的東西。
Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case
也把你的睡袍折好 乾淨地收進衣櫃
John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek
約翰說他來開車 然後用手心輕拂我的臉
>John 是艾德的父親,以這首歌的第一人稱,艾德的母親視角而言就是她的丈夫。下方照片是艾德父母親的合照。
And wiped a tear from the side of my face
溫柔地拭去 我一邊臉頰上的淚水
[Pre-Chorus 2]
I hope that I see the world as you did
'Cause I know
A life with love is a life that's been lived
擁有愛的人生 就是一段精彩的歲月
Ed Sheeran's New Song 'Supermarket Flowers' Will Break Your Heart Once You Hear What It's About
★ Hi I'm Achi. 我是阿崎,想用平易的書寫分享西洋音樂的好,讓更多人看到創作背後的意義。
★ If you like my translation, plz give me a thumbs up and let me know. It helps a lot! x
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★ 月底更新當月新歌歌單!若喜歡我的翻譯、置頂每日推薦,歡迎加入書籤追蹤。感謝你的點閱:)
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》Ed Sheeran 其他歌曲翻譯《
Eraser, Castle on the Hill, Dive, Shape of You, Perfect, What Do I Know?, Supermarket Flowers
Don't, Bloodstream
Autumn Leaves
延伸分享 -
Ed Sheeran - Nancy Mulligan [Official Audio]
不知道怎麼找好聽的新歌?除了 UK Chart、Billboard 等排行熱門