"There's no wrong answer in art, and there's only the wrong audience for a piece of art." - Patrick
OMGGG~四月底在無預警的情況下看到 FOB 的新歌真的嚇得我不要不要的XD
然而更驚恐的是聽完這首歌之後,還想不起以前的 FOB 是怎樣的
整個往電子音樂挪了一步,而且還是 dubstep。但我覺得挪得很漂亮有勁,值得玩味
為免有人剛認識這團還是要簡單介紹,上圖右一是 Pete:主要作詞人跟最出風頭貝斯手
左二是 Partrick:主唱、主要作曲人,右二鼓手 Andy,左一吉他手 Joe
從早期的流行龐克 pop punk、emo 到後來的流行搖滾 pop rock,然後是現在的電子元素
NME 採訪記者 Andrew Trendell 不禁好奇這樣一直改變方向不怕失去樂迷嗎?
"Were you afraid of alienating some fans, or are you confident that they’ll just jump on board and accept that this is where you guys are headed now?"
Pete: “We definitely think about how we have this really loyal base of kids, but I think about it more in terms of how I think about The Clash. I mean, at the time The Clash did so many departures and I was like ‘what the fuck? I just want this punk band’. But now, in retrospect I don’t think that I would’ve liked The Clash as much if they hadn’t made the change. It’s like with Bowie and, all these artists that I’ve loved – they changed depending on the era. I think maybe in the moment it’s harder to swallow, but even when I look at an artist with Kanye, I mean, could he have kept doing the soul samples with rap? Yeah, he could’ve. But I think he’s more dynamic and interesting as an artist because he shows that he can transform.”
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/music/fall-out-boy-new-album-interview-extreme-politics-donald-trump-2061897#UjAfikx2QBmuZkz6.99
Pete:「我們相信我們擁有一群忠誠的樂迷朋友,而關於改變曲風這件事,我想的是更多關於 The Clash 的音樂。我的意思是,在每次 The Clash 轉變曲風的時候我的反應是『what the fuck? 搞毛啊,我只想要那個玩龐克的樂團』;但回想起來,如果不是他們有了改變,我不覺得我現在會這麼喜歡 The Clash。還有就像大衛鮑伊 Bowie、還有其他我愛的音樂家,他們都隨著時代在改變。我想在當下或許很難去接受這麼突然的改變,但當我看到某個創作者例如 Kanye,我在想,他能一直做靈魂樂加饒舌嗎?能,他當然可以這樣做,但我想正是因為他有所轉變,他才如此有創意、熱忱與有趣。」
而在問到這張專輯是否都會是這種新的調調時,Pete 笑說這張專輯還沒完全定案
但這首 Young And Menace 是新專輯中「最狂野」的部分,
(關於專輯封面,Pete 跟 Patrick 很有默契的覺得這張專輯是紫色的XD)
Young And Menace 結合了所謂 "personal" 跟 "political" 的信息
FOB 一直都不是一個那麼迴避政治的樂團,他們多少都會在音樂中透漏出對政治的想法
如 Patrick 曾說過的:"There's political statements in every single thing we do, but we just don't necessarily come out and say what it is."
關於政治的部分,如 9/15 就要華麗登場的專輯名稱一樣
"M A N I A" 多少代表了美國現在的動盪,以及這個更加自由的民權時代帶來的更多爭執
關於個人的部分,這是作詞人 Pete 的 nostalgia,關於他的成長記憶
他在年幼時覺得自己像個 "outsider",總覺得和世界格格不入,從家庭到社區
同時值得一提的是 Pete 患有 Bipolar disorder(雙極性疾患,俗稱躁鬱症)的心境
Genius 的歌詞分析也離不開 Pete 的過往;甚至整個 FOB 的思想創作上都「歸功」於此
*Bipolar disorder 的患者有不穩定的情緒波動,可能導致關係破裂、無法專注、甚至自殺
患者的情緒會在極端的狂躁期 (mania) 和憂鬱期 (depression) 之間擺盪
這些 "highs and lows" 可能影響作息和人際關係、扭曲思想,使患者做出可怕的舉動
而 Pete 就曾經要在車上服藥自盡,詳細的寫在歌詞註解裡
雖然危險,但反過來說,這些高潮與低潮也給了 Pete 很多創作靈感就是
"The gentle pull of a tide that rolls over and over again and by the sheer nature of its essence it becomes an indestructible will- ripping out sand- eroding what was before it- without a care… a transformational monster-becoming the madness and frenzy of a truly bulletproof wave. I’m not just here for your love, I’m here for all of the love. An overdose of dopamine- we are living inside of MANIA right now. the never sleeping, never blinking- caught forever in the sunshine riptide" -Pete Wentz
「溫柔的浪潮一次又一次的翻騰;而本於大自然純粹之本質,浪潮化為堅不可摧的意志,沖刷著岸上的沙、侵蝕著過往的一切,無所顧忌…… 一個改變世界的怪物,踏步如無畏子彈之巨浪的狂暴與盛怒。我來到此地不是為了你的愛,我來到此地是為了所有人的愛。超出負荷的多巴胺:我們正活在一個喪心病狂的世界中。無須安眠、無須眨眼的人們,永恆地被困在豔陽燦爛的激流裡。」
一段 Pete 寫在 MV 底下註解欄的話,非~常的詩意,翻成中文有點怪建議還是看英文
而 MV 的題材其實滿有趣的,一個被怪獸撫養長大的女孩,發現了其他人類的照片
Pete 補充道,憤怒與覺醒是我們的權利,吐露心中的慍火並沒有錯(感覺很有政治味)
究竟會是怎麼樣的音樂呢(*゚∀゚)? 一起期待吧各位XD
Fall Out Boy - Younf And Menace
Fall Out Boy - Young And Menace (Beyond The Video) (幕後花絮)
Fall Out Boy 輻射少年
Young And Menace 狂妄年少
[Verse 1]
We've gone way too fast for way too long
And we were never supposed to make it half this far
And I lived so much life, lived so much life
我活得太過精彩 活得太過痛快
I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice
Kill me twice like my name was Nikki Sixx
兩次制裁 如我名為Nikki Sixx
I woke up in my shoes again but somewhere you exist singing
我再次穿著鞋醒來 但你在未知的某處歌唱著
Oops I
糟了 我
Did it again, I
又做了同樣的事 我
Forgot what I was losing my mind about
想不到我當時失去理智的原因 為何
I only wrote this down to make you press rewind
And send a message: I was young and a menace
[Breakdown (Chopped Sample切割音效)]
Young and a menace
[Verse 2]
Woke up on the wrong side of reality
And there's a madness that's just coursing right through me
And as far as the time, far as the time
至於尚未成熟的時機 那一份時機
Not sure I'm there yet but I'm certain I've arrived, yeah
不確定我是否站在巔峰 但我腳下的血泊就是證據 yeah
Oops I
糟了 我
Did it again, I
又做了同樣的事 我
Forgot what I was losing my mind about
想不到我當時失去理智的原因 為何
I only wrote this down to make you press rewind
And send a message: I was young and a menace
[Breakdown (Chopped Sample切割音效)]
Young and a menace
I'm just here flying off the deep end
I'm just here to become the best yet
I'm just here for the psych assessment
I'm just here for the... For the…
我至此只為… 只為了…
[Breakdown (Chopped Sample切割音效)]
Young and a menace
We've gone way too fast for way too long
[Verse 1]
We've gone way too fast for way too long
>Pete Wentz: If you put Fall Out Boy into two time periods, the first one was just compacted and impossible to have any perspective, and then the second one wasn’t supposed to be like that, but that’s what it became as well. And so the idea was, “Dude we’re like this punk rock band from the suburbs of Chicago. It’s very odd that I’m even here.” The line is a reference to that. But I think that all of it makes sense in the way that our world is right now.
如果把 FOB 分成兩個時期,第一時期默默耕耘的他們和第二時期爆紅的他們形成強烈對比;團員們一路想過來都不敢置信自己站在現在的高峰,這樣直上雲霄的速度似乎令人錯愕、但這也是現在世界失速運作下的產物吧。
>FOB 迄今成軍十六年了,而樂團的生涯簡單來說,就是寫音樂、發專輯、接著就是緊湊的巡迴演出,巡迴演出後繼續籌備下一張專輯;尤其是如 FOB 這麼國際知名的樂團,巡迴的地點更多也更勞累了。Pete 曾表示他們在休團期結束之後有些過度操勞了,第五張專輯 "Save Rock and Roll (2013)" 之後就急忙發行第六張專輯 "American Beauty/American Psycho";他想放慢腳步,在這張新專輯上投注更多的時間。
>這句歌詞似乎呼應了他們演唱會的結尾曲 "Saturday"(2003) 中的歌詞:
"I'm good to go / And I'm going nowhere fast"
從 going nowhere「看似魯莽的前進」、到現在 have gone fast for too long「奔波了長遠的一段路」的對比之下,或許能看出他們這兩首歌十四年的時代間隔與名聲帶來的變化。
And we were never supposed to make it half this far
>Pete Wentz: In the beginning of Fall Out Boy, there was no vision, really. It was kind of like play fast and break everything. There was not a grand scheme. Anyone who was at those shows, you have to know it was just a thing that was fun to do. It was an escape from the other stuff we were doing.
>FOB 從創團2001年走到現在2017年,共十六年;在2009年時的休團(hiatus)正好是八年的切分點,當時 FOB 會不會回歸沒人說得準,直到2013年終於發行 "Save Rock and Roll" 他們才正式回到舞台上;而在這之前他們根本沒料到回歸後的兩張專輯會把樂團帶上高峰,甚至覺得回歸後電台也不會再撥他們的歌了,然而 "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark", "Centuries", "Immortals" 與 "Uma Thurman" 等流行搖滾樂的成功如今有目共睹。
And I lived so much life, lived so much life
我活得太過精彩 活得太過痛快
I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice
Kill me twice like my name was Nikki Sixx
兩次制裁 如我名為Nikki Sixx
>Nikki Sixx 是1980年代 rock n roll 搖滾指標樂團 Mötley Crüe 的貝斯手跟寫手;有過多次瀕死經驗,最著名兩次都是因為服藥過量(OD, overdose),第一次在"drug house"嗑藥過量的時候,藥頭想用球棒敲他胸口把他敲醒(wtf???),最後沒有成功,於是藥頭把 Sixx 丟進大垃圾桶裡,然後 Sixx 在裡面醒過來了(我沒有在唬爛);第二次是 Guns n' Roses 的團員也在場,Sixx 在注射最後一劑海洛因之後斷了氣,全身冰冷臉色鐵青。旁人趕緊叫救護車,而醫護人員正好是 Sixx 的粉絲,說了一句「我不會讓他死在今天」之類的話,然後給他兩劑腎上腺素之後把他奇蹟似的救活了;後來 Sixx 還為此寫了一首歌叫做 "Kickstart My Heart"。總而言之 Nikki Sixx 現在於樂團 "Sixx:A.M." 裡活得很好,做了些慈善事業,也不像以前那麼瘋狂了;關於他靈魂出竅的經驗跟故事都被寫在他的傳記 "The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star" 中;這裡有簡短一小段關於他靈魂出竅的經驗有興趣可以去看:http://ultimateclassicrock.com/nikki-sixx-dies/
>說回 FOB,患有躁鬱症的 Pete 亦曾經想用大量服用抗憂鬱藥劑 Avitan 的方法自殺,當時他人在超市停車場裡,車子裡撥放著 Jeff Buckley 唱著 Leonard Cohen 的 "Hallelujah",吞下一堆 Avitan 之後神智不清的打給經紀人,說了些自己都聽不懂的話,後來經紀人打給 Pete 他媽,他媽才趕快找到他並且帶去醫院治療。"7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)" 便是 Pete 寫下的關於這件事的歌。http://www.nme.com/news/music/fall-out-boy-93-1329560
>Pete Wentz: I think the inspiration behind that line is you get to do this one time and you gotta have the best journey that you can have. That’s important to remember. To me, at least. Nikki Sixx started the whole thing, you know what I mean? We wouldn’t have the haircuts and crazy jeans if it wasn’t for Nikki Sixx.
I woke up in my shoes again but somewhere you exist singing
我再次穿著鞋醒來 但你在未知的某處歌唱著
>wake up in my shoes 不是片語;這裡有點難推敲其意。有人說是「妥協於現實」的意思;但從上面幾句歌詞想的話我認為是「活得太瘋狂」的意思XDD,連睡覺都沒把鞋子給脫掉,這不是挺瘋狂的人生嗎?而下一段彷彿是進入某種懺悔的儀式,與這句歌詞也有所接應。(畢竟 Pete 現在也當爸了,這首歌或許是回顧以前年輕的瘋狂?)
Oops I
糟了 我
Did it again, I
又做了同樣的事 我
Forgot what I was losing my mind about
想不到我當時失去理智的原因 為何
I only wrote this down to make you press rewind
>以整個樂團而言,這句歌詞似乎促使歌迷們回到起點,回到 FOB 早期的作品:當初龐克感更重、更有 emo 味道的第一二張專輯,當時以具反叛精神的龐克搖滾出道,也呼應了下一句歌詞 "I was young and menace"(當然他們現在也還是 pop punk 團,但是沒那麼 punk 了)。
>我認為以 Pete 的角度來看這首歌的話,這裡的 you 就是自己,以這首歌來讓腦海裡的人生重新倒轉一次,重新回憶一次年少的瘋狂。
>FOB 的第三張專輯 "Infinity On High" 中,最後一首歌的結尾有機器音效說一句 "Now press repeat.",跟這裡似乎有些異曲同工之妙。
And send a message: I was young and a menace
>menace: the quality of being threatening; something that is likely to cause harm;指具有威脅性的人事物或危險的特質
[Breakdown (Chopped Sample切割音效)]
Young and a menace
>Pete Wentz: There’s an age where you’re like a grown up. You have a grownup body, but you have a kid brain. Especially with guys. Where every other idea you have is probably a chaotic or bad idea. To me, the idea was like, you don’t fit in anywhere, and then I found the punk rock and the hardcore scene, and it was like, “Oh! This is where we all don’t fit in!” And we’re all these menaces or whatever. That’s the original idea. But I think that there’s another one where it’s like, you can age out of being a threat. You become a part of the institution. And there’s sending the message to yourself like, “Don’t forget how you felt about this and don’t forget where you come from. And that you still should be thinking that” And I think that’s what the whole song is. It’s pretty chaotic.
[Verse 2]
Woke up on the wrong side of reality
>有一個片語能用來形容起床氣、或是一整天心情都不好的狀態,叫做 "wake up on the wrong side of the bed",字面上就是「醒在床上不對的地方」。這句歌詞延續了整個 breakdown 帶來的狂怒感,也呼應了 I woke up in my shoes again 這句歌詞(如果解讀成對現實妥協的話)。基本上就和 Pete 所說的一樣,當初直到踏入龐克的世界之前,都一直覺得自己和整個社會格格不入。
And there's a madness that's just coursing right through me
And as far as the time, far as the time
至於尚未成熟的時機 那一份時機
>as far as:至於、關於、提到…的話、就…而言。
例如 "As far as I know she is well."「據我所知她現在很好。」
Not sure I'm there yet but I'm certain I've arrived, yeah
不確定我是否站在巔峰 但我腳下的血泊就是證據 yeah
>"I'm there." 這句話常用來表示「算我一份」,例如派對的邀約等等;但同時也能表示一種程度,多半是憤怒或失去理智的程度;說出 "I'm there" 就代表已經是 10/10 忍無可忍的程度了。於是這句從「狂怒」這角度理解的話,字面上就是「我不確定我是否忍無可忍了,但我很確定我已經蓄勢待發。」—— I'm there 跟 I've arrived 既然用 but 連接就代表有所差異,可理解成 I'm there 是已經爬到某大樓的頂樓、I've arrived 就是抵達大樓一樓門口而已。最後我用巔峰一詞取代憤怒的意涵,除了呼應 bridge 段的歌詞,也是從 FOB 樂團的奮鬥歷程去切入這首歌曲。
>Pete Wentz: I think that it’s a deeper meaning. I think about it in terms of when I was little. I was like, “Man, my parents, my dad has it all figured out.” But now that I’m a dad and stuff, I’m like, “I don’t have it figured out, really at all.” So I think that that’s the idea. I was on the subway yesterday, and I was like, “How many of these people are thinking crazy shit, right now?” Because, you don’t really know.
Pete 說小時候看著父親總覺得父親是可靠的,看似沒有什麼會困住他了,然而自己當了父親才知曉,心中對人生的疑惑仍然不會減少。Pete 在地鐵裡看著人潮,心想,有多少人腦中此刻正在想著那些瘋狂而脫序的事情?沒人知道。
Oops I
糟了 我
Did it again, I
又做了同樣的事 我
Forgot what I was losing my mind about
想不到我當時失去理智的原因 為何
I only wrote this down to make you press rewind
And send a message: I was young and a menace
[Breakdown (Chopped Sample切割音效)]
Young and a menace
I'm just here flying off the deep end
>這裡有兩個片語:"go off the deep end" 跟 "fly off the handle"。
- go off the deep end:deep end 是泳池的深水區,go off 是從某處離開;go off the deep end 字面上是離開某處跳進深水池裡,引申為失去理智、做瘋狂的事、陷入極端的情緒等意思。
- fly off the handle:字面上就是「飛離把手/控制」,是失去理智、或突然暴怒的意思。
於是把 go 替換成 fly 有種更瘋狂的感覺,像是直接飛衝進 deep end 裡那樣無所顧忌。
I'm just here to become the best yet
>the best yet 意思是「目前為止最好的」
I'm just here for the psych assessment
>psych assessment,即 psychological assessment 心理評估。除了 Pete 本身為躁鬱症患者,或許有實質的 psych assessment 之外,這句歌詞也傳達出 Pete 在開始樂團生涯前的迷惘,與眾不同的思想彷彿正接受的眾人的審視,無法適應、融入當時的圈子讓他覺得自己形同異類,直到踏入龐克音樂的世界,他才找到一群和自己相同的「異類」。
I'm just here for the... For the…
我至此只為… 只為了…
>陷入最後狂躁(最後一次 breakdown)的開場白。彷彿是理智清晰的自我抹殺一般,訴說「萬物皆將隨時間消失在歷史的塵埃」。
>可能與團名 "Fall Out Boy" 有所呼應。
[Breakdown (Chopped Sample切割音效)]
Young and a menace
We've gone way too fast for way too long
★ Hi I'm Achi. 我是阿崎,想用平易的書寫分享西洋音樂的好,讓更多人看到創作背後的意義。
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Fall Out Boy Talk About Criticism Of Young & Menace & Where's ANDY? Watch Part 1
這裡就是本文第一句話的出處!Part 2 之後請去 Youtube 觀賞:))
FOB 的官方推特跟 Instagram 出現的影片XD Bredon莫名好笑XDD
※ 咦?打倒男孩不對嗎?為什麼 Fall Out Boy 是「輻射少年」? ※
→ Fall Out Boy - What a Catch, Donnie 中文歌詞翻譯介紹(含歌詞解析):輻射少年 - 太好了,唐尼
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