這首 We don't believe what's on tv 歌詞直白,看的出 Tyler 直率的個性XD
例如歌詞中的 you 代表誰,有許多討論,而 Tyler 似乎沒說過歌曲背後的故事
有人說 Jenna 有人說 Josh 也有人說 Tyler's mom
但我覺得代表誰似乎也沒有那麼重要了,或許歌詞中的第一人稱也不是 Tyler
或許 Tyler 只是被別人的故事感動,然後當成靈感寫成歌
>不管重要的人老了或是外表不一樣了 重要的是那顆心
但這首在 Live 真的很有炒熱氣氛的效果
全世界把烏克搞這麼狂熱的大概非 Tyler 莫屬
twenty one pilots - We Don't Believe What's On TV 官方釋出音源
twenty one pilots - We Don't Believe What's On TV (acoustics) 純烏克麗麗版 <3
We Don't Believe What's On TV 在阿根廷的歡樂 Live 版 yeah yeah yeah!
陽光女孩 Grace 的 cover!滿好聽的 :)
twenty one pilots - We Don't Believe What's On TV 中文歌詞翻譯
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
[Verse 1]
We don't believe what's on TV
Because it's what we want to see
And what we want we know we can't believe
我們知道 不能去相信自己想要的一切
We have all learned to kill our dreams
我們都在學著 扼殺自己的夢想
I need to know
That when I fail you'll still be here
當我失敗的時候 你還會在我身邊對吧
Cause if you stick around, I'll sing you pretty sounds
因為只要你留在我身邊 我就能為你唱著動聽的歌
And we'll make money selling your hair
I don't care what's in your hair
I just wanna know what's on your mind
I used to say I wanna die before I'm old
我總是說 我想在變老之前死去
But because of you I might think twice
但因為你 我會再思考一下
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
[Verse 2]
Alright, second verse
好的 第二段主歌
What if my dream does not happen?
Would I just change what I've told my friends?
Don't want to know who I would be
When I wake up from a dreamer's sleep
I need to know
That when I fail you'll still be here
當我失敗的時候 你還會在我身邊對吧
Cause if you stick around, I'll sing you pretty sounds
因為只要你留在我身邊 我就能為你唱著動聽的歌
And we'll make money selling your hair
I don't care what's in your hair
I just wanna know what's on your mind
I used to say I wanna die before I'm old
我總是說 我想在變老之前死去
But because of you I might think twice
但因為你 我會再思考一下
I don't care what's in your hair
I just wanna know what's on your mind
I used to say I wanna die before I'm old
我總是說 我想在變老之前死去
But because of you I might think twice
但因為你 我會再思考一下
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
話說 twenty one pilots 登上紐約Time雜誌了
Blurryface (2015) 模糊面貌 其他曲目翻譯
1. Heavydirtysoul 罪孽深重 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
2. Stressed Out 難熬 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
3. Ride 旅程 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
4. Fairly Local 地頭蛇 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
5. Tear In My Heart 心口 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
6. Lane Boy 我們的路 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
7. The Judge 裁決 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
8. Doubt 懷疑 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
9. Polarize 善惡之分 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
10. We Don't Believe What's on TV 我們不信電視裡的事 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
11. Message Man 信徒 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
12. Hometown 歸宿 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
13. Not Today 不是今天 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
14. Goner 命在旦夕 -前往GoogleDoc檢視
★ If you like my translation, plz give me a thumbs up and let me know. It helps a lot! x
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