
Whatever It Takes - 懷抱野心、無所畏懼

這是 ID 2017年新專輯 "Evolve" 正式發行前,釋出的第三首單曲

並且也是繼 Believer Thunder 兩首單曲(single)之後的



所以就順便查了一下簡單的定義 :))


- Official single 官方單曲

- 在電台上播送,並且以 MV 和表演(如 Jimmy Kimmel Live)等各種形式強烈宣傳

- Promotional single 推廣單曲

- 通常不會在電台上播送,主要是為了新專輯的發行暖身,但有時視情況晉升(?)為single


唱片公司會用比較多管道去行銷官方單曲,例如 Believer 被用在任天堂廣告裡:


但 promo 單就不會那麼積極行銷,可能有 MV、也可能在電台播、但曝光率少於主菜

主要還是為了宣傳專輯:例如 Walking The Wire 於專輯發行前一周釋出(available)



這次翻譯的 "Whatever It Takes" 在 5/8 發行,但我拖到現在 11 月才翻XD



Dan Reynolds (樂團主唱) 挑戰了以前從沒有過的唸唱:界於 rap 跟 sing 的 rap-singing


然而其實,這首歌是專輯中他們花上最久時間才 "get right" 的一首

"Ironically, it 'Whatever It Takes' took the longest. Dan had the first and pre-chorus really quickly. But the chorus wasn't right. We went through a ton of ideas and versions before we found the right chord progression and the right melody. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it's not. The process is never the same twice."

「很好笑,是 Whatever It Takes 花了最久的時間。Dan 把主歌段跟導段很快地寫出來了,但副歌不怎麼順利;我們試了一堆點子跟各種版本,最後才找到最好的和弦跟旋律。有時候靈感來得很快,有時候則否,每次的創作過程都不大一樣。 」

以上是 Wayne 吉他手在 HMV 的採訪中所說的 <<點連結看全文

突然覺得很怪,主歌 verse、導段 pre-chorus 跟副歌 chorus 的翻譯到底誰想的

主歌是最不鮮明的部分、最重點的 chorus 卻被翻成副歌




"They all had different personalities and different quirks with how they like to work. Some like to be heavily involved in every detail. They engineer the session, they offer lots of suggestions and really guide the track from beginning to end. Others purposefully lie back a bit, and let the band find their way on their own and try to fill in the gaps if they need to. It was important that we really get along with each of them. Vibe in the studio is extremely important and so underrated."

在這張專輯中 ID 和一些不同 producer 有了合作機會



這首 Whatever It Takes 的主要製作人是 Joel Little (上圖)

Joel Little 同時也是 Lorde 的首張專輯(Pure Heroine)主要製作人!

有鑑於此,這可能我愛這首歌的原因之一 XD




是和 Believer 有點相似的主題,痛使人成長。







Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes (Audio)


Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes (MV)


LIVE (現場編曲必聽) (請戴耳機)

Imagine Dragons - "Whatever It Takes" Live



Imagine Dragons 謎幻樂團

Whatever It Takes 在所不惜



[Verse 1]
Falling too fast to prepare for this

失速下墜 對此措手不及
Tripping in the world could be dangerous

花花世界 也許異常險峻
Everybody circling is vulturous,

盤旋的人們 猶如禿鷹群

negative, nepotist

眼神空洞 霸佔利益


Everybody waiting for the fall of man

Everybody praying for the end of times

Everybody hoping they could be the one

I was born to run, I was born for this

我為馳騁而活 為這一切而生

Whip, whip

鞭策 前行
Run me like a racehorse

驅策我如那 沙場駿馬
Pull me like a ripcord

扯開我如同 張傘空降
Break me down and build me up

徹底摧毀我 並成就我
I want to be the


Slip, slip

意念 言行
Word upon your lip, lip

於你唇裡吐露的 字句
Letter that you rip, rip

從你嘴裡迸出的 話語
Break me down and build me up

將我擊垮 再重生進化

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do whatever it takes

cause I love how it feels when I break the chains

只為了享受 那一刻 我掙脫枷鎖的蛻變
Whatever it takes

Yeah take me to the top I'm ready for

yeah 領我攀上巔峰 我已準備好迎接

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do what it takes


[Verse 2]
Always had a fear of being typical

擺脫不了的恐懼是 淪為平庸
Looking at my body feeling miserable

看著自己全身上下 感到難受
Always hanging on to the visual

總是執著眼前 有形的所有
I wanna be invisible

多渴望活出 無形的自我
Looking at my years like a martyrdom

回顧這些年 如懷志受難之人
Everybody needs to be a part of them

Never be enough I'm the prodigal son

永遠不滿足 回歸初衷的孩兒
I was born to run, I was born for this

我為馳騁而活 為這一切而生

Whip, whip

鞭策 前行
Run me like a racehorse

驅策我如那 沙場駿馬
Pull me like a ripcord

扯開我如同 張傘空降
Break me down and build me up

徹底摧毀我 並成就我
I want to be the


Slip, slip

意念 言行
Word upon your lip, lip

於你唇裡吐露的 字句
Letter that you rip, rip

從你嘴裡迸出的 話語
Break me down and build me up

將我擊垮 再重生進化

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do whatever it takes

cause I love how it feels when I break the chains

只為了享受 那一刻 我掙脫枷鎖的蛻變
Whatever it takes

Yeah take me to the top I'm ready for

yeah 領我攀上巔峰 我已準備好迎接

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins


I do what it takes


Hypocritical, egotistical

Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical


Working onto something that I'm proud of


Out of the box


An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost

一首堅韌獻給世界 和我們遺忘的眼神

I'm an apostrophe

I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see

僅作為一個記號 來提醒你這世界藏有更多秘密
I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe

我不過是體制下的產品 在一場災厄裡
and yet a masterpiece


and yet I'm half diseased

and when I am deceased

At least I'll go down to the grave and die happily

至少我會無悔步入墳土 並滿足地死去
and leave the body and the soul to be a part of thee

離開這身軀和靈魂 構成汝其一子民
I do what it takes


Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do whatever it takes

cause I love how it feels when I break the chains

只為了享受 那一刻 我掙脫枷鎖的蛻變
Whatever it takes

Yeah take me to the top I'm ready for

yeah 領我攀上巔峰 我已準備好迎接

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins


I do what it takes





[Verse 1]
Falling too fast to prepare for this

失速下墜 對此措手不及
Tripping in the world could be dangerous

花花世界 也許異常險峻

trip 作動詞有絆倒、跌倒;輕快地走;產生幻覺等意思。直接 google 圖片 "tripping" 會查到很多讓人暈眩的圖片,大概就是這種意思:迷走或沉淪,或呼應上句歌詞、墜入這危險的世界。

Everybody circling is vulturous,

盤旋的人們 猶如禿鷹群

vulture 是禿鷹、vulturous 是如禿鷹般的。禿鷹總在空中盤旋,尋找屍體啃食;形容人性的落井下石,在脆弱之時攻擊他人的險惡。

negative, nepotist

眼神空洞 霸佔利益

negative, not expecting good things, or likely to consider only the bad side of a situation 消極的、負面的

nepotist, a powerful person who shows favoritism to relatives or close friends 指那些有權有勢、並且以權勢使親戚朋友受惠的人。另有較常見的字為 nepotism,中文翻譯成裙帶關係,直白點就是靠關係。


Everybody waiting for the fall of man


>這句歌詞的背景似乎和 "Thunder" 的歌詞挺契合的:

Kids were laughing in my classes / While I was scheming for the masses

Now I'm smiling from the stage / While you were clapping in the nose bleeds



Everybody praying for the end of times


times, a period in history 這裡作時代解。這句可能是指不順遂的生活以致人們期待出現新時代來翻轉現狀;但我也臆測,寫這句歌詞的時空背景會不會跟川普執政有關XD?
Everybody hoping they could be the one

I was born to run, I was born for this

我為馳騁而活 為這一切而生

Whip, whip

鞭策 前行
Run me like a racehorse

驅策我如那 沙場駿馬
Pull me like a ripcord

扯開我如同 張傘空降

ripcord, a rope that you pull to open a parachute 指降落傘的開傘繩索,拉開就可以開傘;和上一句 "rum me like a racehorse" 一樣皆表達用疼痛與折磨換來豐碩的果實,呼應著首支主打 "Believer" 的歌詞含意。
Break me down and build me up

徹底摧毀我 並成就我
I want to be the


Slip, slip

意念 言行

slip 作名詞有以下幾種意思(比較無關的就不列出了)

1. The act or an instance of slipping or sliding. 滑行

2. An accident or mishap, especially resulting in a fall. 疏失

3. A small piece of paper, especially a small form, document, or receipt 紙條


還有太多意思可以去 the free dictionary 查閱,但在這裡用 Freudian slip 解釋會比較順一點(參考 Genius 網友解析)。Freudian slip 弗洛伊德口誤,是指日常生活中隱性表現出內心想法的口誤;歌詞中的 slip 在翻譯時延伸為心底真正的意念,"I wanna be the slip" 表示希望自己在人們心中產生影響力。
>這真的有點抽象,若有其他見解歡迎分享 QQ


Word upon your lip, lip

於你唇裡吐露的 字句
Letter that you rip, rip

從你嘴裡迸出的 話語

rip, (informal) to produce, display, or utter suddenly;這個字有一個非正式用法和歌詞最接近,意指「突然說出」、「猛地迸出(話語)」,例:"ripped out a vicious oath";雖然感覺要加上 out 寫成 rip out something 但就把它當歌詞形式自由吧。rip 平時用法有 (v.) 撕裂、劃破、扯開、(n.) 裂口,或是 "Rest In Peace" 的縮寫等等,如果翻成撕破信紙不知道怎麼連結文意XD

Break me down and build me up

將我擊垮 再重生進化

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins


adrenalin(e) 腎上腺素,人體在興奮、恐懼、緊張時會分泌這種激素 -- 使心肌收縮力加強、傳導加速、心輸出量增多。可以說 It gets my adrenaline going 表示熱血沸騰。
I do whatever it takes

cause I love how it feels when I break the chains

只為了享受 那一刻 我掙脫枷鎖的蛻變

chain 鎖鏈,彷彿綑綁於身,令人動彈不得的困難與問題;break the chain 大概就可以想像很有魄力地,把鎖鏈撐破的畫面。

>是說翻其他翻譯文的時候竟然看到有把 break the chains 翻成打碎下巴的,讓在下我好驚恐啊XD~下巴是 chin 哦!
Whatever it takes

Yeah take me to the top I'm ready for

yeah 領我攀上巔峰 我已準備好迎接

Whatever it takes

cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do what it takes


[Verse 2]
Always had a fear of being typical

擺脫不了的恐懼是 淪為平庸

typical, showing all the characteristics that you would usually expect from a particular group of things 典型的,在此喻為沒有特色,平庸無奇的。
Looking at my body feeling miserable

看著自己全身上下 感到難受

miserable, very unhappy;即不悅、很糟、令人難受的。例如 "miserable weather" 糟糕的天氣、"What a miserable existence!" 「多麼難受的生活!」

Always hanging on to the visual

總是執著眼前 有形的所有
I wanna be invisible

多渴望活出 無形的自我

>這兩句其實可以滿主觀解釋的。visual 對比於 invisible,看得見和看不見的。有人認為這兩句話是指不滿意自己的外貌,但我認為可以更深的探討,如有形的物質、和無形的心靈;有形的世界、和無形的境界等等,有時候想到更哲學或科學的部分就不多說了XD

Looking at my years like a martyrdom

回顧這些年 如懷志受難之人

martyr (發音似'marter'), a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their religious or political beliefs, and is often admired because of it;指心懷志向、堅守道德、政治或某種信仰而受難死亡的人;即烈士、殉道者。

martyrdom 就是烈士的情節,殉難之類的。這句歌詞可能比喻樂團一路走來的艱辛,抱有夢想,面對內外物質心靈上的各種挑戰等等。

Everybody needs to be a part of them


>這裡的 "them" 理解成代指上一句的 "years like a martyrdom";歌詞說明每個人在追逐目標時必會經歷的痛楚,無論是自我心靈上的突破或是外在的困難。

Never be enough I'm the prodigal son

永遠不滿足 回歸初衷的孩兒

prodigal son, a man or boy who has left his family in order to do something that the family disapprove of and has now returned home feeling sorry for what he has done;中文翻譯成回頭浪子,意思是不管其他人的意見,離開原本的地方一段時間之後,再次回心轉意的人,例句如:The prodigal son has returned to the team after a three-year absence. 這位球員在三年的離開之後再次歸隊。在這句歌詞中,我參考 Genius 網友部分意見,將其理解為 Dan (樂團主唱) 在追求巔峰之時,或許曾經失去原本的理想或初衷,然而在幾番體悟之後走回了正確的方向。

>"never be enough" 在此我理解成,追求理想的慾望與成就感永遠不嫌多。

I was born to run, I was born for this

我為馳騁而活 為這一切而生



Hypocritical, egotistical


hypocritical hypo + critical 組成,形容滿口仁義道德,行為卻令人不齒的偽善者。

egotistical ego > egotist 自我主義者 + ical 形容詞字尾 組成,形容眼中只有自己,認為自己比他人高等的人。
Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical


parenthetical 指附帶說明的,作為附加註解的。在歌詞中理解成了類似配角的意思。

hypothetical, imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true;假設的。歌詞中理解成總是空想、假設,卻從不實際行動的人。

Working onto something that I'm proud of


>題外話:歌詞本上寫著 working hard on somthing,但聽了好幾次之後覺得還是比較像 onto。

Out of the box


An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost

一首堅韌獻給世界 和我們遺忘的眼神

epoxy 是樹脂的一種,叫做環氧樹脂但我也不是很瞭,總之可以黏東西XD 這裡應該意思是把 the world 跟 the vision 連結起來的意思。

vision 可以指視力、幻覺、眼光等,大抵能廣泛歸納成眼前能看見的東西,the vision we've lost 我想是指成長過程中失去的一些東西,也或者是整個世界在發展中所犧牲掉的東西。是什麼東西就見仁見智,未說明的歌詞延展性很高:可以是愛、是熱忱、是道德良善、是活著的動力之類等等。

I'm an apostrophe


apostrophe 指的是「」這個符號,稱作省略符號,如 It is 變成 It's 就用了一個省略符號。
I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see

僅作為一個記號 來提醒你這世界藏有更多秘密

>省略符號把原本的字母藏起來了;那一撇如是提醒你這裡還有些什麼,等待你來揭露。Dan 把自己比喻成省略符號,將自己和這首歌、甚至這張專輯作為此比喻,期望 Imagine Dragons 的音樂能給予世人一些啟發。

I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe

我不過是體制下的產品 在一場災厄裡

catastrophe, a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction;引發問題或傷害的突發事件、災害、困境、不利的局面。
and yet a masterpiece


masterpiece, a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill;傑作、曠世巨作。

>歌詞本上分段為 "I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe and yet a masterpiece" 這樣一整句,可拆解成 "I'm just a product of the system"(我不過是體制下的產品) "the system of catastrophe and yet a masterpiece",後句指整個體系(system)、社會或世界,將其形容成 catastrophe、並且也是一個 masterpiece,如此矛盾的形容卻也挺符合我們對世界的認知。


and yet I'm half diseased


diseased 為患病的、病變的、病態的。這句可能是 Dan 在描述自己的 depression 憂鬱情緒,但也更有可能是描述人類共有的 imperfection,我們生來就擁有的不完美人格與情感。
and when I am deceased


deceased, dead,死去、逝世
At least I'll go down to the grave and die happily

至少我會無悔步入墳土 並滿足地死去
and leave the body and the soul to be a part of thee

離開這身軀和靈魂 構成汝其一子民

thee 是古英文的「you」(受格);這裡順便補上其他一些古英文的代名詞:

主格 you:thou

例句:"How Great Thou Art." (How great you are.)

受格 you:thee

例句:"All praise to Thee, my God." (All praise to you, my God.)
所有格 your:thy (+子音為首的字)

例句:"Whither goest thou without thy son?" (Where are you going without your son?)
受格 you:thine (+母音為首的字)

例句:"destroy thine empire" (destroy your empire)


I do what it takes





★ Hi I'm Achi. 我是阿崎,想用平易的書寫分享西洋音樂的好,讓更多人看到創作背後的意義。

★ If you like my translation, plz give me a thumbs up and let me know. It helps a lot! x

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★ 創立了粉絲團!如果希望追蹤我的翻譯跟新歌推薦歡歡歡迎按個讚 :D


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