

[indie pop/alternative rock]

極具實力與爆發力的強硬派獨立音樂創作人,Bishop Briggs!

本名 Sarah McLaughlin,原藝名是 Bishop,後來因和另一樂團有撞名紛爭改為 Bishop Briggs


而 Bishop Briggs 這名字其實來自蘇格蘭的一個小鎮,就叫做Bishopbriggs

總之就是個怪怪的名字 (呃

重點不在此XD 重點是她的歌聲真的很棒!♥


而且他的音樂和形象和歌聲一樣獨特!so unique! 不禁讓我想到一樣饒富個人魅力的 Lorde ♥




而音效選用也 so cool,重拍打的爽爽的不用說,那個 ch-k-ch-k 的聲音真是讓我超級著迷XD

關於他的個人資料其實還不多,維基上有些簡單的資料,稍微看了下他是在 local bar 裡被發掘的

這首 River 是他繼debut單曲 Wild Horses 之後第二首作品

也是目前她最為人知名的單曲,在 US Alt 有第三名的成績、US Rock 第十名

由吉他的 riff 開頭,再來是合成器音效的 handclap beats,


說到歌詞,翻起來還真是比我想得要激情很多XD 整首歌充滿著一種即將爆發的狂熱

根據FADER的撰文,Bishop Briggs 對這首歌詮釋了一番:

"I feel like this song has multiple personalities: strong, weak, torn, controlling, submissive. They are all a part of me and constantly changing. I think people will feel that."


至於歌詞的內容,Bishop Briggs 在 The Huffinton Post 的採訪中總結為:

"River is all about tension and release. It's about intimacy and solace. It's about staring someone in the face and not backing down."

「River 這首歌是不安、是釋放,是一段親密關係、也是心中慰藉。這首歌像一雙與某人四目交會的眼神,瞳孔裡不帶一絲妥協。」


同時 Genius 中可以看到網友的分析,這是一首充滿愛恨的歌

"Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver"


"Run me like a river" 似乎透漏著一絲 desperation,絕望中的抉擇



Bishop Briggs - River


Bishop Briggs - River (Stripped) (Vevo LIFT)

我最佩服的一點是他可以一直動來動去跳來跳去聲音還這麼穩... 都不會累的嗎?!


Bishop Briggs - River (Live at the Edge)



Bishop Briggs - "River" (Live at Indie88)



Bishop Briggs - River 中文歌詞翻譯對照



Like a river, like a river, sh-

就像激流 咆哮的河  噓-

Like a river, like a river, sh-

就像激流 翻騰的河  噓-

Like a river, like a river

就像激流 洶湧的河

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 再

Run me like a river



[Verse 1]

How do we fall in love?


Harder than a bullet could hit you


How do we fall apart?


Faster than a hairpin trigger




Don't you say, don't you say it

你別說話 不要說出口

Don't say, don't you say it

別說 你不要開口

One breath, it'll just break it

一口氣 就足以摧毀這裡

So shut your mouth and

所以閉上你的嘴 再

Run me like a river




Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver

閉上你的嘴 親愛的 乖乖繳械投降

Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner

神聖的觸碰 oh 那讓我成為了罪人

Like a river, like a river

洶湧的河 澎湃的河

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 然後

Run me like a river



Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver

掐緊這份愛 直至血液開始顫抖

One last breath 'til the tears start to wither

最後一口氣 逼到淚水終於乾萎

Like a river, like a river

咆哮的河 翻騰的河

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 然後

Run me like a river



[Verse 2]

Tales of an endless heart


Cursed is the fool who's willing


Can't change the way we are


One kiss away from killing




Don't you say, don't you say it

你別開口 你什麼都別說

Don't say, don't you say it

別說 不要說出口

One breath, it'll just break it

一個呼吸 就足以打破這裡

So shut your mouth and

所以緊閉你的嘴 只要

Run me like a river




Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver

閉上你的嘴 寶貝 乖乖繳械投降

Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner

虔誠的雙手 oh 那讓我成為了罪人

Like a river, like a river

洶湧的河 澎湃的河

Shut your mouth and

別說一句話 再

Run me like a river



Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver

掐緊這份愛 直至血液開始顫抖

One last breath 'til the tears start to wither

最後一口氣 逼到淚水終於乾萎

Like a river, like a river

咆哮的河 翻騰的河

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 再

Run me like a river




Like a river, like a river, sh-

奔騰的河 咆哮的河  噓-

Like a river, like a river, sh-

狂湧的河 滾滾長河  噓-

Like a river, like a river

宛若激流 波濤洶湧

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 然後

Run me like a river


Hey! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Hey! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! (like a river)

Hey! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! (like a river)

Like a river




Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver

閉上你的嘴 親愛的 乖乖繳械投降

Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner

神聖的觸碰 oh 那讓我成為了罪人

Like a river, like a river

洶湧的河 澎湃的河

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 然後

Run me like a river



Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver

掐緊這份愛 直至血液開始顫抖

One last breath 'til the tears start to wither

最後一口氣 逼到淚水終於乾萎

Like a river, like a river

咆哮的河 翻騰的河

Shut your mouth and

閉上你的嘴 然後

Run me like a river






Faster than a hairpin trigger


>"hairpin trigger": Really called a hair trigger. It's a modification made to a gun which makes it respond to very little pressure on the trigger. Allows for faster firing.

來自Urban Dictionary,中文直譯我找很久沒有資料,對槍枝也是不慎了解XD;髮夾觸發器?髮夾扳機?總之就是一個幫助槍枝開火速度更快的調整零件就是了XD


Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver

閉上你的嘴 親愛的 乖乖繳械投降

Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner

神聖的觸碰 oh 那讓我成為了罪人

>stand and deliver: to give up something to someone who demands it (The Free Dictionary)

這個片語花了我一點時間意會XD;最初是「站住!交出來」的意思,通常是 highway robber(地下鐵搶匪) 的台詞,這裡的 stand 就是 "come to a halt"(停下來) 的意思;而上述字典中的意思解為放棄某物並交給他人,不過找資料的時候看到這片語在極少數情況似乎有性暗示……但是是關於什麼我就沒有特別查明了ouo"

(btw, 另有一電影名為 Stand and Deliver,中譯「為人師表」;據網友解釋這裡的 stand and deliver 指的是請學生站起來並發表自己的意見,更可以延伸為挺身為自己表達意見、博得權益等。)


>sin: the offence of breaking, or the breaking of, a religious or moral law

sinner 即是破壞戒律、或是道德規範的人;通常和西方基督文化背景有所關連,畢竟聖經是許多人生活的一部份,違背 Lord 的信念便是打破道德成為 sinner。這裡我不免想到 sex,因為這首歌關於兩個人的愛情。


Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver

掐緊這份愛 直至血液開始顫抖

One last breath 'til the tears start to wither

最後一口氣 逼到淚水終於乾萎

>wither: (to cause) to become weak and dry and decay;乾枯、枯萎


Tales of an endless heart


Cursed is the fool who's willing


Can't change the way we are


One kiss away from killing


>Genius網友:Their relationship hangs in the balance between romance and violence.

>這是一段又愛又恨的關係,既折磨又難以自拔;an endless heart 我想有著「不斷付出」的意思;cursed 是可恨的、討厭的,字面上也可以想成是被詛咒(而令人討厭)的。


>歌詞參考解釋:Geniuse、Music Fans beta -






創立了粉絲團!如果希望追蹤我的翻譯跟新歌推薦歡歡歡迎按個讚 :D


延伸分享 -

Bishop Briggs - Wild Horses (Stripped) (Vevo LIFT)


Bishop Briggs - The Way I Do

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    Achi 西洋音樂狂熱分子

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